Is Your Faith Alive? (James 2)
Is Your Faith Alive? (James 2)
Teacher: David Wilber
The author's goal in the book of James [Jacob] is to call out and expose the fake believers. James wants to empower us to not just believe in God intellectually. (Indeed, even the demons "believe" in God.) True belief is established by what we do—our works.
For that reason, many so-called believers don't like James. They think his emphasis on doing good works is "legalistic." It doesn't make them feel good. But the Word of God is not meant only to encourage us. Many times the Word is meant to convict us and motivate us to take action.
In part 2 of his series on the book of James, David Wilber teaches on one of the most common ways believers today break the "greatest commandment." You will learn about the sin of partiality, true faith vs. dead faith, and how the Torah brings freedom in our lives. May this message bless you and encourage you to live true, biblical faith.

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