Showing the Father's Love — Freedom Hill Community

Showing the Father's Love

Author: David Robinson

Recently my wife Diana and I had the opportunity to travel to North Carolina to attend and speak at a conference. The weekend was wonderful, and I was so blessed by the encouragement from believers around the world. But I admit I didn’t feel that way at the beginning.

When we arrived at the hotel, several people apparently recognized us from the Freedom Hill live stream and other TV programs. One couple we met in the elevator told us how much they love Freedom Hill and the ministry Yahweh has given us as a congregation. It was a blessing to hear from so many people how much they’ve been impacted by our ministry, but it was also a bit overwhelming. Our congregation is pretty small, and we’re simply not used to all the attention from people, especially all at once.

When we entered our room, I confessed to Diana that I didn’t know if I could handle people coming up to me all weekend. But then a word that the Father had given me two weeks earlier returned to my mind: “Every person you meet is an opportunity.” The Father had given me that word in preparation for the conference, knowing that multiple people would approach us that weekend.

Every person you meet is an opportunity. I understand what that means now. Every person we meet is an opportunity to show the love of Yeshua. To convey the Father’s heart. God uses His people to minister to His people.

I believe the word I received was not only for us personally for one weekend, but that it applies to all of us. Every person you meet, in every situation, is an opportunity. Everyone from your spouse, kids, to the clerk at the grocery store. Are you demonstrating the Father’s love? Are you giving? Are you listening? Are you offering encouragement? We need to stop being so self-consumed and remember that we are to be a light for the sake of those around us.

So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith. (Galatians 6:10)

I’m nobody special. I’m just a simple guy. However, the Father showed me that we as believers have a responsibility to reflect the love of Yeshua in every situation. So wherever you find yourself, remember that every person you meet is an opportunity.


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