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5 Keys to Having Unity in the Body

5 Keys to Having Unity in the Body

From the very beginning we see that God’s divine purpose for man includes being in community. Indeed, it was God Himself who said, "It is not good that man should be alone" (Genesis 2:18). God declared everything else in creation tov—good—but He apparently thought it was a problem that Adam didn’t have any fellowship. So, what did He do? He established the very first community of believers by creating Chavah (Eve), thus showing that His divine will for man is perfected in the fellowship and unity of His people.

Taking Credit For God's Work

Taking Credit For God's Work

One of the greatest temptations of mankind is to exalt ourselves. We want people to think we're the smartest, coolest, and most talented. We want to be seen and admired for our gifts and talents. It's natural to desire acceptance and affirmation from others, but there's a danger of idolatry when we make God's work about us instead of Him.

The Awful Art of Blame-Shifting and Escaping Responsibility

The Awful Art of Blame-Shifting and Escaping Responsibility

Yeshua said that the world would know the Father sent Him when His followers are united (John 17:21). Therefore, we as believers have an important duty to try to maintain unity within the body of Messiah. But in order to work towards unity, we must first identify the cause of disunity.

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