gospel — Blog — Freedom Hill Community


Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?

Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?

Christmas is celebrated every year on December 25 by millions of people around the world. Christians and non-Christians alike fully embrace the holiday season, observing many of its traditions, such as Christmas trees, mistletoe, Santa Claus, and of course gift giving. Does the Bible offer any insight into whether or not Christians should celebrate this holiday?

"You Will Be My Witnesses"

"You Will Be My Witnesses"

In chapter one of Acts, Luke speaks of the miracles that Yeshua did to prove He was alive after He was resurrected. He appeared to the disciples and many others for forty days and taught them about the kingdom of Yahweh. This chapter is also where Yeshua tells the apostles to wait in Jerusalem for the gift that the Father had promised—the receiving of the Holy Ruach (Spirit).

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