FAQ — Freedom Hill Community

Here are our answers to some common questions we receive about our beliefs. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us and we'll get back to you as soon we can.


Who Is Yeshua?

Most people know Him by the name Jesus. Yeshua was the name He was called by those who knew Him when He was on earth. His name means “salvation.”

He is undeniably the most influential world-changer history has ever known. He expressed leadership through servanthood and faith through action. He was moved by compassion to bring healing. His message was one of forgiveness and second chances. He taught His followers to pursue a life led by both Spirit and Truth.

But He was much more than just an amazing Rabbi or spiritual teacher. As the Son of God, He was sent by His Father to deliver you from your sins, your brokenness, and your shame. He suffered and died so that your relationship with God could be restored.

Believe in Him and your sins will be forgiven. Commit to following Him and your life will never be the same.

Do you desire to know Him?

What Does It mean To Follow Yeshua?

The word Christian literally means “follower of Christ.” Indeed, we as Christians are commanded to walk as Yeshua walked:

Whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked. (1 John 2:6)

It's interesting to note that Yeshua lived His life as a Torah-observant Jewish believer. His followers called him Rabbi, He rested on the Sabbath every seventh day, and He celebrated Passover and all of the biblical feast days. Professor of Biblical Literature, Dr. Brad Young, Ph. D., puts it best:

We too often view Jesus in a historical vacuum with the result that we transpose our twenty-first century Western values and concerns onto him. We tend to make him into a good Methodist, Catholic, Baptist, Anglican, Pentecostal, or whatever denominational orientation we may be. The historical Jesus remains a Jew. His faith and obedience to his Father in heaven had at its center the precious gift given at Mount Sinai: Torah.

The original Christian movement that emerged out of Yeshua’s teachings continued to keep Torah throughout the New Testament. If we truly want to follow in Yeshua’s footsteps, we need to live by the instructions of God—Torah.

What Is The Sabbath Day?

The Sabbath is among many truths being restored in our day. God knows that we all need a day of rest. We weren’t created to work constantly without a break, so the Sabbath blesses us with physical rest. But more than that, it takes us back to creation (Exodus 20:11) and revives our hope for the Messianic Kingdom to come. It reminds us of our deliverance from slavery in Egypt (Deuteronomy 5:15), which is a prophetic picture of our salvation in Yeshua who rescued us from the slavery of sin.

The Sabbath is the perfect opportunity to invest in your relationship with God through worship and studying His Word. It helps us be intentional about setting apart time with our family and friends. And simply, it’s a way to tell God, “I love you.”

What Are the Biblical Festivals and Holy Days?

Along with the Sabbath, God gave us several festivals to celebrate every year. The biblical feast days are found in Leviticus 23; they are broken down into two seasons: the four spring feast days and the three fall feast days.

In the Bible, these feast days are called “appointed times” (Leviticus 23:1). Like a wedding anniversary, these are special times that God told us to remember and celebrate every year. Each one of them beautifully symbolizes the first and second coming of our Messiah, Yeshua. Although we have access to the presence of God daily, these times are specifically designed to unify all of God’s people in worship and celebration for all that He has done and continues to do for us.

Does God care about what we eat?

In the New Testament, Peter told Christians that they are to be holy as God is holy (1 Peter 1:16). Did you know that Peter was quoting the Torah when he said that? One place in the Torah where it is written to be holy is in Leviticus 11:44—right in the middle of God’s commandments about not eating unclean animals. So Peter's understanding of holiness would have included keeping God's dietary instructions. Indeed, according to Peter Christians are to be holy in "all" our conduct (1 Peter 1:15), including what we eat.


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